
Sustainable development: the basis of MAUSER Company strategy

The course for sustainable development is a strategic initiative based on the harmony of modern requirements and future prospects without environmental risks and next generations well-being.

Integrating environmental, economic and social goals to achieve a balance between the population needs and planet capabilities, ensuring the duration and quality of life on Earth.

Company MAUSER sustainability principles:

  • Environmental responsibility - minimizing harmful emissions, waste recycling, renewable energy sources.
    Solar panels on the buildings’ roofs, organizing packaging collection, using biodegradable materials
  • Economic efficiency –resource consumption optimization, costs reduction.
    Transition to energy saving in production, automation of resource and environmental management ISO 14001.
  • Innovation – eco-friendly products and services
    Investments in research and development of clean technologies, smart water systems, alternative energy vehicles

Climate Neutrality: Actions and Results

MAUSER has been actively involved in combating climate changes since 2021. This implies taking measures to neutralize the impact on the Earth’s climate without harming nature.

  • Switching to renewable energy sources - limiting fossil fuels use through the integration of solar stations, wind farms, hydroelectric power plants.
    Photovoltaic panels at corporate sites, wind generators for power production, rainwater collection infrastructure.
  • Energy efficiency and CO2 emissions reduction - process optimization, equipment renewal, resource efficiency increase.
    Smart energy consumption in offices and production, modernization of the electric vehicle fleet, advanced materials for thermal insulation.
  • Carbon Footprint offsets – CO2 absorption projects such as planting forests and restoring natural ecosystems.
    Initiatives support for urban areas greening, international programs for mangroves protection.

Green Horizons: Carbon Footprint Reducing

Our sustainability strategy is based on strict adherence to GHG Protocol, the global standard for measuring, managing and reducing greenhouse gases. We compensate for inevitable emissions, making every effort to maintain environmental balance.

  • Afforestation and reafforestation - new forests planting.
  • Сarbon credits purchasing and projects investments
  • Organization of educational courses and seminars for employees and public on climate change issues, scientific institutions cooperation, international forums participation.

The Company's goal is to comprehensively improve environmental performance through innovative approaches and implementation of sustainable development principles in every aspect of its activities.