Privacy Policy

Personal Data Privacy Statement

Legal notice

Texts, visual components, graphic elements and animated objects are subject to protection under copyright and other regulations providing data security. This website content may not be copied, distributed, modified or transferred for commercial purposes to third parties. Please note that some website images and graphical elements may be subject to the third parties rights.

Denial of responsibility
Please pay attention: we are not responsible for the content of sites which links are provided in our catalogue. If you discover content that violates the law or in any way infringes or discriminates against individuals or groups of individuals, please inform us immediately.

Data Security
We highly appreciate your attention to our company. Data privacy is the cornerstone of MAUSER management activities. Use of our company’s site is generally possible without disclosing personal information. However, accessing certain of our organization's services through the site may require the personal data processing. If personal data processing yet needed and there are no legal grounds for such processing, the person’s consent to data processing becomes necessary.

Personal data, including name, address, e-mail address or telephone number is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation as well as the data protection legislation of the relevant country applicable to MAUSER Company. Hereby our company aims to inform the public about the type, scope and purposes of the data collecting and processing. Moreover, the persons whose data is processed are informed of their rights through this privacy statement.

As a responsible person, MAUSER Company has implemented extensive technical and organizational solutions to ensure the most complete protection of the personal data processed through the website. However, data transmission via the Internet may involve security risks and complete protection is not possible. Hence, each person is given the opportunity to transmit personal data by alternative methods, for example by phone call.

MAUSER Privacy Statement is based on the terminology introduced by European law with the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This privacy statement is intended to be accessible and understandable to public, our customers and partners. We explain the used concepts beforehand.

This document contains, in particular, the following definitions:
a) Personal data
Personal information means any information associated with an individual who can be identified directly or indirectly by reference to identifiers such as name, ID, location, online identifier, one or more factors specific to physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social personal identity.

b) Data subject
Data subject is an individual whose personal information is subject to processing by the person responsible for processing.

c) Data processing
Processing covers any actions or set of actions with personal information, regardless of the use of automation, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of data.

d) Data process restriction
Restriction of processing involves marking stored personal data in order to restrict its future processing.

e) Profiling
Profiling is the automated processing of personal information aimed at assessing certain personal aspects associated with an individual, especially to analyze or predict such factors as work, economic status, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location or movements.

f) Pseudonymization
Pseudonymization implies processing personal information so that it was is impossible to identify a specific data subject without the use of additional information, as long as such additional information is stored separately and protected from being associated with an identified or identifiable individual person.

g) Data Processing officer
The processing officer is an individual or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the personal data processing. The purposes and means of such processing are provided by the Union or Member State law, so the person responsible for the processing or its designation criteria may be provided by law.

h) Data processor
A processor is an individual or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal information on behalf of the controller.

i) Recipient
Recipient is an individual or legal person, public authority, agency or other body to which personal information is disclosed, regardless of whether it is a third party.

j) Third party
A third party is an individual or legal person, public authority, agency or other body other except for processing, the processor controller, data processor and persons entitled to the personal data processing under the direct authority of the controller or processor.

k) Consent
Consent is any free, specific, informed and unambiguous will expression of the data subject by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, agrees to the processing of personal information relating to him or her.

Name and address of the processing officer
Responsible for the purposes of the General Data Privacy Regulation, the national data protection laws of Member States of the European Union and other provisions relating to data protection is:

Rudolf Fischer e-mail: [email protected]
Name and address of the Data Protection Officer
The data protection officer of the person responsible for data processing is:

Helga Zimmermann e-mail: [email protected]

Any data subject may contact our Data Protection Officer directly with any questions or suggestions regarding data protection.

The hosting data storage period
As of May 25, 2018, the following data storage rules apply:

Web server access logs record page visits, including data: IP address, directory protection user, date, time, pages, protocols, status code, data volume, referral source, user browser, host name.

IP addresses are anonymized by removing the last three digits, for example is converted to 127.0.0.. IPv6 are anonymized in a similar way. Anonymized IP addresses are stored for 60 days. The protection of catalogue user data is anonymized every other day.

Error logs that record incorrect page requests are deleted after seven days. They contain IP addresses and request data depending on the type of error.

FTP access data is anonymized and stored for 60 days.

Email logs are anonymized every other day and stored for 60 days, removing all data about the addresser and recipient

Mail logs sent through our servers are deleted after four weeks. This is necessary to ensure the mail services functioning and combat spamming.

Determining an individual storage period is not possible.

Description, scope and data processing purposes
The purpose of processing is to analyze the use of websites to improve content and functionality. Analytics helps determine visitor preferences, helping to optimize web offerings.

Collected user data is anonymized by technical means, making it impossible to match the data to a specific user. The data is not stored together with other users’ personal information.

The personal data processing for these purposes is considered to be the legitimate interest of the website owner in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 point of GDPR.

Use of cookies on MAUSER website

Cookies are text files placed and stored on the user's system through a web browser.

A lot of web platforms use cookies. Each has a unique cookie identifier, a symbol string that allows web pages and servers to be associated with the specific web browser in which the file was saved. This makes it possible to distinguish between user browsers and provide specific services.

Thanks to cookies MAUSER is able to offer a more comfortable service that would not be possible without them.

Cookies help optimize the information and offers on the website to the user’s benefit. They allow you to recognize site visitors to simplify their interaction with the platform. For example, a user who actively uses cookies does not have to enter access data every time he visits a website, since this function is performed by the website and the corresponding cookie. An example is a shopping cart cookie in an online store that remembers the selected items.

Users can switch off cookies on MAUSER website at any time by activating the appropriate setting in their browser, which will permanently refuse cookies installation. Already set cookies can be deleted via a web browser or other software. This is possible in all popular browsers. Switching cookies off may limit the site functionality.

Collection of information and general data

Each time website MAUSER is accessed, either by data subjects or by automated systems, general data and information is collected. This information is logged in server log files, including browser types and versions, operating system, referrers, subsites visited, date and time of access, IP address, Internet service provider and other data to protect against attacks.

MAUSER does not draw any conclusions about the identity of the data subject. The need for data collection lies in the areas of delivering website content, optimizing website content and advertising, ensuring the long-term IT systems and technologies operation, and providing the necessary information to law enforcement agencies for prosecution in case of attacks. Information collected anonymously is evaluated statistically and with the aim of increasing data protection and security to ensure optimal protection of the personal data processed. Anonymous server log data is stored separately from any personal information provided by the data subject.

Registration on MAUSER website

The opportunity to register on website MAUSER is provided to users who agree to provide personal data. The details required during registration are determined by the registration form. The data entered is intended for use within MAUSER Company and is aimed at achieving the specific goals of that organization. MAUSER may transfer data to specialized providers, such as delivery services to perform internal tasks related to the organization.

While registration, the IP address provided by the user’s Internet provider, the date and time of registration are recorded, which makes it possible to prevent abuse and, if necessary, facilitate the offenses investigation. Retention of such data is a protective measure for MAUSER. Data is not transferred to third parties, except for law requirements.

Through the registration procedure, users providing their personal information voluntarily gain access to content or services available only to registered users. Registered users have the opportunity to change or completely delete their data from the MAUSER database at any time.

MAUSER guarantees the provision of information about the stored data to each user upon the request, as well as the data correction or deletion, if there are no legal grounds for storing them. MAUSER Data Protection Officer and his staff are available to support users in all matters related to the personal data processing.

Communication via MAUSER website
Site MAUSER provides the possibility of electronic communication with the company, offering direct contact and general email address. When contacting MAUSER by email or via a contact form, the sender's personal data, provided voluntarily, is automatically stored for the processing the request or communication. The data is not transferred to third parties.

Scheduled personal data deleting and blocking
MAUSER processes and stores personal data only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of storage or within the period specified by law. After the storage period has expired, the data is blocked or deleted in accordance with legal requirements.

Data subject rights
a) Right to information
Any data subject has the right to ask MAUSER organization to confirm the personal data processing. To exercise this right, you can contact the Data Protection Officer or another MAUSER employee

b) Right to information
The data subject has the right to obtain information about the personal data held by MAUSER and to obtain the information copy. This includes:
- purposes of processing;
- categories of personal data processed;
- recipients of data, including recipients in third countries or international organizations;
- the storage period for the data, if possible;
- rights to rectification, data deletion , processing restriction and objection;
- the right to file a complaint to a supervisory authority;
- information about the data origin, if it was not received from the data subject;
- availability of automated decision-making, including profiling.
The data subject has the right to receive information about security measures when transferring data to third countries or international organizations.

To exercise the right to information, the data subject may contact the Data Protection Officer or another employee of MAUSER at any time.

c) Right to rectification
Any MAUSER site user has the right to correct inaccurate personal data immediately. Includes the possibility of editing incomplete data, taking into account the purposes of processing.

If you wish to correct the data, you can contact Data Protection Officer MAUSER or another responsible employee.

d) Right to erasure or right to be forgotten
MAUSER Site user has the right to demand the deletion of his data if:
- The data is no longer needed for the original purposes.
- Consent is withdrawn and there are no other legal grounds for processing.
- The user objects to the processing and there are no compelling legal grounds for its continuation.
- Data was processed illegally.
- Deletion is required to comply with a legal obligation.
If there are grounds for deletion and the user wishes to initiate the process, the user can contact MAUSER Data Protection Officer.

If MAUSER has published data and is obliged to delete it, the company takes reasonable measures, including technical measures, taking into account available technology and cost, to inform other controllers processing that personal data of the user's request to delete any links, copies or replications of that data.

To exercise the right of deletion, the user may contact Data Protection Officer MAUSER or another responsible person in the company.

e) Right to processing restriction
Any data subject has the right to demand that MAUSER restrict the processing of his personal data under one of the following conditions:
- If the accuracy of the personal data is disputed by the subject, for a period allowing MAUSER to verify the accuracy of the data.
- The processing is illegal and the subject prefers to restrict data use instead of deleting them.
- MAUSER does not need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the subject for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
- The subject has objected to processing wondering whether MAUSER's legitimate grounds outweigh the subject's interests.

To request restriction of the personal data processing, the subject may contact the Data Protection Officer or any employee of the company.

f) Right to data portability
The data subject has the right to receive personal data provided by MAUSER in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and has the right to transmit data to another controller without MAUSER interference, provided that:
- Processing is based on a subject consent or a contract;
- Processing is carried out automatically.

In exercising the right to data portability, the subject also has the right to have the data transferred from MAUSER to another controller, if technically possible.

g) Right to object
The data subject has the right to object at any time to the personal data processing by MAUSER based on tasks performed in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority, or when processing is carried out for the purposes of the legitimate interests of MAUSER or a third party, including profiling. MAUSER will cease processing personal data unless compelling legitimate grounds for processing are demonstrated that outweigh the interests, rights and freedoms of the subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

When processing personal data for direct marketing, the subject has the right to object at any time to the personal data processing for such advertising, which includes profiling related to such direct marketing.

If the data subject wishes to exercise the right to object, he or she may contact the MAUSER Data Protection Officer or any other employee. In the context of the use of information society services, and notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC, the data subject is free to use his or her right to object by automated processes using technical specifications.

h) Automated solutions in individual cases, including profiling
Every data subject has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which may have legal effects or be similarly significantly affected. Exceptions are applied to the following:
- if necessary for the contract conclusion or performance between the data subject and the controller;
- permitted by the legislation to which the controller is subject, if there are adequate measures to protect the rights and freedoms of the data subject;
- based on the data subject consent.

MAUSER applies protections to respect the rights and freedoms of the data subject, including the right to obtain human intervention in the process, express one's own attitude and challenge a decision.

Data subjects may contact the MAUSER Data Protection Officer regarding automated decisions.

  1. Right to withdraw consent under data protection law

Data subjects have the right to withdraw their consent to the personal data processing at any time.
To withdraw consent, it is sufficient to contact the MAUSER Data Protection Officer.

Data protection during the application and recruitment process
MAUSER company processes candidate data only for necessary purposes and as part of the recruitment process. If no contract is concluded with the candidate, the data is automatically deleted in accordance with legal requirements, especially if data storage is no longer necessary or if the interests of the data subject require deletion.

Use of Facebook and its impact on data protection
Facebook components are integrated into MAUSER website to enhance our online presence and user experience. Facebook as a social network allows users to create profiles, share information and use various applications.

When using Facebook components, for example by clicking on the "Like" button or leaving comments, this information is automatically transmitted to the user's Facebook profile. To prevent such data transfer, users may log out of their Facebook account before visiting the MAUSER site.

More information about Facebook's data collection and use, as well as users' privacy rights and options, is available in Facebook's privacy policy. To prevent Facebook from data collecting, you can also use various browser extensions that block tracking.

Data protection rules for the application and use of Google reCAPTCHA

Use of Google reCAPTCHA on our websites
We implement an anti-spam and anti-abuse system on our websites known as “Google reCAPTCHA” (“reCAPTCHA”), which is provided by Google Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google ").

The main function of reCAPTCHA is to distinguish between human actions and automated bot activity. This is achieved by analyzing various aspects of visitor behavior before and during his visit to the site. The analysis begins automatically as soon as the user enters the site and includes checking various parameters (for example, IP addresses, time spent on the site, user mouse movements). The collected information is sent to Google.

Analysis Process
The reCAPTCHA analysis procedure operates in an invisible mode for users, who will not be aware that verification is in progress.

Legal basis for data processing
Data processing activities using reCAPTCHA are based on Article 6 paragraph 1 paragraph f GDPR, with the aim of protecting websites from unauthorized spam attacks and automated spying.

Additional Resources
More information about Google reCAPTCHA and Google's privacy policy can be found at: and

Data protection rules for the application and use of Google Maps

Use of Google Maps on our website
Our website uses the Google Maps service to display maps and create routes. This service is provided by Google Inc.,1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Google Data transmission
When using Google Maps, information about the user's interaction with the website, including the user's IP address, may be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. By agreeing to use Google Maps, the user consents to such data processing.
Legal information and privacy policy
Terms of use for Google Maps are available at Details about data protection at Google can be found in the data protection center at and in the privacy policy at /privacy/

Data protection regulations for the application and use of LinkedIn

Implementation of LinkedIn components on our website
We have integrated components of the LinkedIn Corporation social network into our website. LinkedIn is an online platform for connecting and developing business connections with more than 400 million registered users worldwide.

LinkedIn Operator and Privacy Policy
The operator of the LinkedIn service is LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Privacy policy matters outside the United States are governed by LinkedIn Ireland, Privacy Policy Issues, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Collection and transmission of data when using LinkedIn
Each time you visit our website that contains LinkedIn components, this component makes the browser download the corresponding image of the component. This process allows LinkedIn to obtain information about the specific page on our site that the user has visited. If a user is logged into LinkedIn, LinkedIn tracks this interaction and assigns it to the user's LinkedIn account.

Manage data and privacy settings
Users can manage their privacy settings and subscriptions at LinkedIn also uses partners to set cookies, which you can reject at LinkedIn's privacy policy is available at and its cookie policy is available at

Data protection rules for the application and use of Xing

Integration of Xing components on our website
Our website incorporates components of the Xing social network provided by XING AG, Dammtorstrasse 30, 20354 Hamburg, Germany. Xing offers a platform for professional communication and networking, allowing users to create personal profiles and companies to create corporate pages.

Activating Xing Components
Each time you visit our website, which contains a Xing component, the download of the corresponding Xing component is automatically initiated due to the browser. More information about Xing plugins can be found at During this process, Xing becomes aware that a specific page on our site has been visited.

Interaction with Xing whil authorization
If you are logged into Xing, when you interact with components (for example, clicking on the “Share” button), this information will be associated with your user account and stored. To prevent data transfer to Xing, you may log out of your account before visiting our website.

Xing Privacy Policy
Xing provides your personal data protection. The information about this can be found at The information about data protection when using the “Share” button is available at
Data protection rules for Cloudflare application and use

Cloudflare Services Using
We use the services of Cloudflare, Inc., 101 Townsend St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA, to ensure the security and performance of our site via a content delivery network (CDN). Cloudflare protects our website from virus attacks and improves page load times.

Cloudflare Data Analysis
Cloudflare analyzes traffic between your browser and our server to identify and block potential security threats. Cloudflare also uses cookies to enable you to access our website.

Legal basis and privacy policy
The processing of data via Cloudflare is justified by our legitimate interest of ensuring the website security according to Article 6 paragraph 1 letter f GDPR. For more information about data protection at Cloudflare, please visit

Legal basis for personal data processing

- Consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR): Our company relies on consent as the legal basis for data processing when explicit consent is obtained to process personal data for one or more specific purposes.
- Performance of a contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR): Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or to take steps at the request of the data subject before entering into a contract.
- Legal obligations (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR): If processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which our company is subject, such as tax obligations.
- Protection of vital interests (Article 6(1)(d) GDPR): In rare cases, processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person.
- Legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR): If the processing is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of our company or a third party and are not overridden by the data subject interests, fundamental rights and freedoms.

Legitimate processing interests

Our company's legitimate interest is to conduct business for the benefit of all employees and stakeholders.

Personal data storage period

Personal data is stored for the period specified by the relevant legislation, after which the data is regularly deleted if it is no longer necessary for the performance or preparation of the contract conclusion.

Data provision obligation
Providing personal data may be a requirement by law or contract, or a necessary condition for entering into a contract. Failure to provide such data may result in the impossibility of concluding a contract. The data subject should contact our Data Protection Officer for information on the specific data provision requirements in each case.

Automated decision making and profiling
As an organization committed to high responsibility standards, we do not apply automated decision making or profiling. This confirms our commitment to the protection of personal data and an individual approach to each client and employee.

This data protection declaration has been developed in cooperation with the DGD Deutsche Gesellschaft für Datenschutz GmbH, acting as external data protection officer in Kempten, as well as in cooperation with RC GmbH, which deals with the recycling of used computers, and the law firm WILDE BEUGER SOLMECKE | Lawyers.

Whistleblowing system

We offer a whistleblowing system that allows you to either openly or anonymously report any violations of the law or internal regulations. This applies to reports of crimes, booling, human rights violations, corruption, bribery, IT espionage and other illegal activities. We encourage you not to use this system thoughtlessly and to report only if there are evident violations. Instructions for using the form and additional information are available via appropriate link on our website.